Come fare per portare psicofarmaci negli usa
Salve a tutti!Il 27 Dicembre parto per Portorico(Stati Uniti d'America).Soffro di depressione bipolare e faccio una cura psichiatrica da un anno.Nell'Esta,alla casella "soffre di malattie mentali" ho barrato "si"(specificando "depressione").Devo portare con me Carbolithium,Efexor e Trittico in gocce..Cosa devo avere per farmele passare in aeroporto?Posso metterle in tutti e due i bagagli per sicurezza?(bagaglio a mano e non).Grazie mille in anticipo! Eva
Il sito dell'ambasciata italiana in USA riporta le seguenti indicazioni:
A traveler requiring medicines containing habit-forming drugs or narcotics (e.g. cough medicine, diuretics, heart drugs, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, depressants, stimulants, etc.) should:
Have all drugs, medicines, and similar products properly identified;
Carry only the quantity that might normally be used by an individual having a health problem requiring such drugs or medicine:
Have either a prescription or written statement from your personal physician that the medicine is being used under a doctor's direction and is necessary for your physical well-being while traveling.
Medication can be sent by post if the prescription or doctor's letter is included. A notation should be placed on the outside of the parcel stating, for example, "DOCTOR'S LETTER ATTACHED."
Cordiali saluti
A traveler requiring medicines containing habit-forming drugs or narcotics (e.g. cough medicine, diuretics, heart drugs, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, depressants, stimulants, etc.) should:
Have all drugs, medicines, and similar products properly identified;
Carry only the quantity that might normally be used by an individual having a health problem requiring such drugs or medicine:
Have either a prescription or written statement from your personal physician that the medicine is being used under a doctor's direction and is necessary for your physical well-being while traveling.
Medication can be sent by post if the prescription or doctor's letter is included. A notation should be placed on the outside of the parcel stating, for example, "DOCTOR'S LETTER ATTACHED."
Cordiali saluti
Dott. Vassilis Martiadis
Psichiatra e Psicoterapeuta
Questo consulto ha ricevuto 1 risposte e 6.5k visite dal 21/12/2014.
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